Healthy cooking with minimal expenses

An American study states that consuming junk food (fast food) in large quantities can cause addiction, much like drug and alcohol addiction. The fast food is rich in sugars, fat and salt that stimulate the senses of taste and smell, and in addition, because it is a very high calorie but low nutritional value, it causes low satiety. This means damaging the satiety mechanism, which causes continuous eating and non-respite of fast food, far beyond the biological needs of man.

The study published in the prestigious Nature magazine showed, through lab mice, that junk food can cause changes in the hormonal mechanism in the brain, causing compulsive eating of fast, high-calorie foods.
During the forty-day study, the researchers divided the laboratory mice into three groups: one received regular mouse food, the other also received standard fast food once a day, while the third mice group lost more than 20 hours a day. Fast, high-calorie foods.
As a result, the mice in the third group suffered surprisingly from extreme obesity, but in addition, during brain activity monitoring, changes in brain function reminiscent of drug addiction were detected. According to the researchers, at the end of the 40 days of study, the mice refused to eat regular food and continued to eat the fast food even when receiving it was beaten with electricity – a behavior that indicates compulsive eating.

In contrast, the mice in the other sample groups were afraid of the power beats and ate with great pleasure the usual food they were served.

In many households, the impression is that keeping a proper diet adds great costs to the family budget. This impression is created by familiarity with expensive products, such as light bread more readily than uniform bread, energy snacks, fiber-rich cereals, sugar-free products more expensive than parallel sugar-containing products, and more. However, this situation is not bound by reality and is not necessary. In fact, healthy eating does not require the purchase of expensive products, it is possible to eat healthy and inexpensive by following simple principles.

Today, there are a wide variety of high-nutritional vitamins and minerals that are reasonably priced and can certainly be included in the family basket of any average family. In addition, there are subsidized products under government supervision.

Cereals – pasta, flakes, rice, flour, burgundy, wheat, grains and more. Meals whose focus is cereal will be cheaper: pasta with gravy, sandwiches, toast and cereal salads. Such meals can also be very healthy if you use pasta or whole wheat bread, or whole grains like burgundy and grits. The price of most cereals is low and each package is sufficient, usually for several meals.

Legumes – Lentils, chickpeas, beans and the like. Sometimes soaking and early cooking are required, but they are well worth the effort. They are delicious, very healthy, and are a good source of significant cheap protein from chicken and meat. They can be combined with meals such as: soups, legumes and vegetables and salads. The price of legumes is relatively low, and they usually double and even triple their size in cooking, so one bag is enough for several meals.

Vegetables – There are vegetables that at different times are sold at a very cheap price – carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, potato, zucchini and lettuce. Vegetables can function well as the main ingredient in a meal. You can make soups, sauces, sautéed, invested salads and creamed vegetables. Of course, meals containing high-quality vegetables will also be very healthy.

Chicken and meat chunks – Usually chicken and meat are an expensive product, but there are also more lucrative chunks like chicken breast that, unlike other parts, contain almost net meat, thus wasting money on thrown bones. Minced chicken, whose price is generally similar to the price of pork, and minced meat, are eaten whole. The advantage is that they can be combined with a variety of stews. One chicken breast can be enough for a whole pot of casserole, which gets most of its volume from vegetables, grains or legumes.

In addition to the healthy qualities of home-cooked meals compared to the fast food consumed in the marketing networks, the family aspect should be added. When we cook and eat at home, we devote time and value to family “togetherness”, a time that takes on a deeper meaning beyond eating. This is a time that can be utilized for joint sitting around the table and having a conversation with the household members. Earlier, meal preparation can be taken advantage of by the younger children.

The Sages have described the foods as mental and non-body foods, that is, the food nourishes the soul. Food is a basic human need, and many times it is possible to pass on emotions as well. For example, if preparing a warm and delicious stew for a meal, Her love and concern for family members All of us have a memory of a particular dish we love that reminds us of the home or other place we loved to be in. The same food is etched in memory as a source that signifies warmth and emotion, so the meal doesn’t always have to be invested and includes some dishes to leave memories of camaraderie And homemade heat, and sometimes a simple but healthy and unifying dish is enough.

Stuffed fillet on a bed of wild rice salad with lemon vinaigrette - mustard

Ingredients: (4 servings)

4 Extruded fish fillets

4 tablespoons canola oil

1 cup of Persian rice

1 cup of wild rice

1 red pepper cut into small cubes

1 yellow pepper cut into small cubes

1 zucchini – the outside only cut into small cubes

½ chopped chives (or green onions)

½ cup flour

½ pack of baby leaves – washed and dry

Salt and pepper to taste

Lemon Wingard – Mustard

1 juice of squeezed lemon

1 cup olive oil

2 tablespoons mustard

Pepper salt to taste

In a bowl, mix lemon juice, mustard and pepper salt and carrots while adding the oil gradually, until a uniform texture


In separate showers, fry each type of rice separately, with a tablespoon of oil in each dish, for 3 minutes.
Add ½1 cups of Persian rice to boiled water, and 3 cups of boiled water, season with salt and pepper, cover and cook in low heat: Persian rice for 17 minutes, wild rice for 45 minutes or until completely softened.
In a bowl, mix the vegetables, wild rice, Persian rice with 4 tablespoons of vinaigrette, and serve about two hours.
Season the fish with salt and pepper and flour.
Fry the fish in a frying pan with 2 tablespoons of oil for about 2 minutes on each side and place on absorbent paper.
Mix the baby leaves in the bowl, with 3 tablespoons of the vine dressing.


It can be served as a hot or cold salad.

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